Why sending sensitive data by email is a bad idea

Jesse Meijers

The simplicity of sending an email with just a click has revolutionized our communication. But when it comes to transmitting sensitive data, this convenience can be deceptive and risky. Let's dive into why emailing sensitive information is akin to sending a postcard through a crowd and how adopting a more secure alternative, like building a portal, can safeguard your data.

The email journey: more public than you think

Imagine mailing a letter. Once it leaves your hands, its journey through various postal stops until it reaches the recipient remains largely a mystery. Email operates similarly, with one crucial difference: it lacks an envelope. An email's content is exposed, traveling through numerous servers where anyone with the right tools and knowledge could intercept and read it. This vulnerability poses a significant risk, especially when sending confidential information.

Email encryption does exist, with providers like Proton Mail offering encrypted messaging services, for example. However, this encryption is only effective if both sender and receiver have the means to encrypt and decrypt the messages. This limitation makes encrypted email a less universally viable solution for safeguarding sensitive data.

A portal: your secure digital envelope

In contrast to the open nature of email, web traffic, particularly when encrypted with HTTPS, offers a secure channel for data transmission. This encryption ensures that data sent from one point to another—say, from a user to a business portal—is unreadable to anyone who might intercept it en route.

For businesses handling sensitive information, whether from employees, customers, suppliers, or partners, a portal provides a far more secure and controlled environment. Many industries, particularly those requiring identity verification, already utilize portals for secure data submission, such as uploading identity documents for bank account verification.

Triggre: the tool to build your secure portal hassle-free

Recognizing the need for secure data exchange, building a custom portal is the optimal solution whenever you need to receive sensitive data from your stakeholders. With Triggre, creating a portal tailored to your specific security needs becomes straightforward, thanks to a variety of free templates designed for different use cases. With custom portals, businesses can implement robust security measures without the need for extensive technical expertise.

Incorporating a portal into your business processes not only enhances security but also aligns with essential regulatory compliance, such as the GDPR. By ensuring that sensitive data is exchanged through encrypted, secure channels, businesses can significantly mitigate the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

Take the step towards secure data exchange

Sending sensitive data via email is a gamble with high stakes. The risk of interception and unauthorized access is too significant to ignore. In contrast, a secure portal offers a safeguarded environment for data exchange, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and protected.

It’s important to grow awareness regarding the risks involved in sharing sensitive information. Get in touch to explore how you build a secure portal without any code, ensuring that your data transmission is as safe as it is efficient.  

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