
Visual workflow builder. Support, run and automate business critical processes.

With Triggre, you can easily design powerful workflows. Include business rules, decisions and calculations. Effortlessly build wizards, configurations and approvals. Allow people in different apartments to work together in complex workflow solutions.

Visual workflows

Visualized workflows show the paths that a user can follow from screen to screen. We call these flows user flows. A path that shows automation triggers, is called an automation flow. You can re-use small parts of logic, flow parts, in multiple workflows. Examples of a flow part are a calculation or an automated email.

Visual workflows

Step-by-step wizards

User flows follow a certain path to complete a process or task. Based on given inputs the path can follow a different route. This way you build your own wizard. For example, for employee or customer onboarding.

Decisions and rules

Decisions and rules

Business critical processes often come with a broad variety of possibilities and exceptions. With Triggre you are able to easily create business rules using a wizard. Business rules can apply to processes, data or users.



Questionnaires are used in business initiatives. Easily create dynamic forms, to provide the right questions based on givens answers. Show results in reports or documents, using different types of charts.



Create approval workflows to run a process over multiple departments. Each user will have access to just their records. By adding data or status changes the record will move to the next user automatically.

Status management

Status management

Use the 'pick-list' field type to set-up status management. Visualize a status by using icons.

Alerts and notifications

Alerts & notifications

Business rules allow you to create alerts and notifications based on data changes. A rule, for example, can check whether a certain value is within the given boundaries. If not, an alert appears on the screen or a notification is sent via email or SMS.



Workflows can contain re-usable logic, that we call flow parts. For example, a calculation, a data update or an action to send an email. The logic is triggered by a user or data change.

Scheduled tasks

Scheduled tasks

Automation flows are workflows that run without any user interaction. It can contain a task that will be executed. For example, to create a report, send an email or update an order status.



Create emails with placeholders for names, order numbers and more. Combine with workflows to determine triggers to send when and to whom. Send emails with attachments such as uploaded files or generated documents.



Calculations are formulas and algorithms vizualized in an understandable way. A wizard supports easy setup. Combine with re-usable outputs in other calculations or workflows.

PDF documents


Add data to document templates to create quotes, reports and contracts. Add placeholders from any data item. Automatically attach the document to emails.

Date triggers

Date triggers

Create triggers to determine deadlines and other important dates in your process. For example ex-factory dates, delivery dates or recurring tasks.

If-else decisions

If-else decisions

Business processes always contain 'decisions' to determine the path. Decision based workflows follow an advanced routing based on inputs.


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