Automation Project Quick Scan

In less than 5 minutes this quick scan gives you actionable insights to successfully implement automation in your business.
Answer a few questions and get your own custom report for free, including a business case with industry benchmarks, specific examples and projected earnings.
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Have something in mind?

Do you already have processes or bottlenecks in mind that you want to automate?

Which processes are you considering?

List 2 to 5 processes that you consider automating, e.g. order handling, shipment routing and compliance.

Which process are you automating?

Please provide a short name or description of the process you are automating, e.g. order handling, shipment routing or compliance.

How much manual effort is involved?

The more manual effort is currently needed for the process, the higher the score. An easy way to do this is the number of days per week that are used for it. It is fine to use 0.5 or 0.25 at this point for half a day or two hours.
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Process 5

How repetitive is the current process?

Give the process a score on how repetitive it is. Or in other words, how little human creativity is needed for the process. Very repetitive processes are for example copying data from one system to another or typing over invoices or orders. The more repetitive, the higher the score should be.
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Process 5

How easy do you think the process is to automate?

This is an early estimation of how easy you think automating the process would be. The easier it is, the higher the score. If you are uncertain at this point, simply put in a 2.
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Process 5

We have scored your processes!

We have calculated an impact score for each process, based on your estimations and selected the best process to start automating. Continue with a process to start calculating the business case.

What is your expected result?

When you have automated your process, what do you expect the result is? More revenue, or saved costs?

Where will the solution be used?

In which department of your organization will the solution be most beneficial, or used most?
Which industry is your organization in?

What maturity level is your organization?

Please indicate what level of operations maturity your organization has when it comes to adopting new digital solutions. If you don't know, simply choose stable.
Operational maturity
Maturity level info

Anything we should know?

0 / 1000

Yes, success!

It worked flawlessly!

Oops, look away!

Something didn't quite click ... perhaps try again.

Quick scan result

EUR 9.999.999.999
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What is your organization named?


Where can we reach you?

Please supply your work email address, where you want to receive the meeting invitation.
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Where are you from?

Knowing the country you reside in helps us provide you with the best experience.

What maturity level is your organization?

Please indicate what level of operations maturity your organization has when it comes to adopting new digital solutions. If you don't know, simply choose stable.
Operational maturity
Maturity level info
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